Digital Asset Management Integration
Modern DAMs are Digital Asset Supply Chain solutions. The DAM needs to connect into a multiplicity of systems across the enterprise and beyond into partners, customers and a range of other third parties. Core to this activity is integration. We have copious real-world integration delivery and consulting experience across a vast range of different implementations for an equally diverse range of clients. Review the issues mentioned below and our solutions for dealing with them.
Common DAM Integration Issues and How We Resolve Them
We can liaise with you, your DAM vendor and representatives of whatever counterparty solutions you need to integrate with to write a technical brief for the integration. We can find out if there is a dedicated connector available and if it has enough capabilities for what you want to achieve in terms of integration. If there is no connector, we can investigate development of custom integration using APIs and/or batch import of structured data like CSV files.
We have worked on numerous integration projects to connect a wide variety of different DAM solutions and third party solutions. We can translate your business objectives into technical specifications and guidance for implementation personnel.
Once the integration software has been implemented, we devise a series of tests to ensure it is both fit for purpose and meets the required quality objectives.
See our DAM project management services information page for more details.
We can assist clients to mitigate integration risks by devising a comprehensive risk log that consider risks like unexpected data or the volume of upstream digital material being far higher than expected.
One particular area of risk for Digital Asset Supply Chains is where the introduction of one item of upstream data might flow downstream through a number of other channels and/or integrated technology systems. We help clients to put in-place facilities to monitor integration so they can resolve issues as they occur.
Daydream have in-house software development expertise and in addition to project managing integration requirements, we can also implement them on-behalf of clients. We have Python developers, expertise across a wide range of databases and the APIs of many DAM platforms.
Under normal circumstances this is the kind of assignment we will undertake where either the vendor or an in-house technical team are unable or unwilling to take ownership of the implementation.